Girth Rigging

There are two options for Ghost girth rigging. The original sliding V works great for most horses. With the design of the Cavallin Puro model, they needed something simpler and less bulky under the leg. Most dealers have embraced this rigging as preferable, but use the sliding V for horses with powerful, laid-back shoulders and forward girth grooves for whom the ability of the rigging to move during riding is helpful. The Cavallin rigging works great to improve stability if the saddle is moving more than appreciated by the rider. You have the flexibility to use different billet holes to make sure your saddle is in the correct position for your horse but still line the girth up with the girth groove.

Here are pics of the two styles in neutral, forward, and rearward positions.



 Cavallin rigging  Cavallin forward  Cavallin rearward
 Sliding V  Sliding V forward  Sliding V rearward

Note: the Sliding V is a bit stiff at first, but after a few rides, the biothane will slide more easily.